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C/C++ Addons

The C/C++ addons of Node.js has a very notable feature, it only supports building in the CommonJS format, and using require() to load it. This is fatal to bundler like Vite, Rollup that strongly rely on the ESModule format.

Although there are tool plugins like @rollup/plugin-commonjs, it is not a panacea, especially in some dynamic-require cases. This is also the biggest difference between cjs and esm.

So, many times we have to use the external option to exclude C/C++ addons builds to ensure that it can work normally.


Of course, this is not absolute. If you are familiar with Vite, Rollup how works, and how C/C++ addons are binding, then I believe you have better ways to deal with them.

Additionally, some samples for C/C++ addons are provided here 👉 electron-vite-samples.


Node.js 的 C/C++ 扩展有个很显著的特点,它只支持构建成为 CommonJS 格式的模块,并且使用 require() 加载它。这对强依赖 ESModule 格式的构建工具像 Vite、Rollup 十分的致命。

虽然有 @rollup/plugin-commonjs 这样的工具插件,但它不是万能的,尤其是在一些动态加载的场景,这同样也是 cjsesm 最大的不同点。

所以说,很多时候我们不得不使用 external 选项排除 C/C++ 模块构建,以保障它能正常工作。

当然,这不是绝对的。如果你很熟悉 Vite、Rollup 的工作原理和 C/C++ 模块的 binding 方式,那么我相信你有更好的办法处理它们。

此外,这里提供了一些 C/C++ 模块的模板 👉 electron-vite-samples


import electron from 'vite-plugin-electron'

export default {
  plugins: [
      // Main process entry file of the Electron App.
      entry: 'electron/main/index.ts',
      vite: {
        build: {
          rollupOptions: {
            external: [
              // other `C/C++` addons


In addition, you can also try to use the community plugin vite-plugin-native to load C/C++ addons.


另外,你也可以尝试使用社区插件 vite-plugin-native 加载 C/C++ 扩展。

import electron from 'vite-plugin-electron'
import native from 'vite-plugin-native'

export default {
  plugins: [
      entry: 'electron/main.ts',
      vite: {
        plugins: [
          native(/* options */),